On, Monday, Jan. 22nd, Mayor Stoney, Councilmember Ann-Frances Lambert, HEF staff, and community organization representatives held a press event announcing newly funded partners, delivering information on our upcoming Community Advisory Committee and partner application launch dates, and providing updates on existing programs. Councilmember Katherine Jordan was also in attendance.

RHHD Health Director Dr. Elaine Perry standing alongside newly announced funded HEF partner organizations.
The Richmond Health Equity Fund invests in community-led programs, initiatives, and leaders to improve health and quality of life in communities experiencing deep health disparities and the longstanding impacts of racism.
In October 2021, the City of Richmond established the Health Equity Fund through an initial investment of $5 million from federal American Rescue Plan Act funds. Mayor Levar Stoney proposed and Richmond City Council established the HEF to focus on seven key areas of health disparity. To-date, the HEF has designated $1.2 million, and on January 22nd is announcing over $350,000 in new funding and an estimated additional $300,000 in continued funding toward currently funded community-based organizations providing services in the following areas: Covid-19; access to care and education resources; food access and security; mental and behavioral health; maternal and child health; substance use and recovery; and underlying health conditions.
Within these areas, Richmond and Henrico Health Districts and a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) with lived and professional expertise in health disparities review community-based nominations and applications and determine investments with evidence-based, data-backed needs and strong community support. Awards will vary in amount and duration to accommodate both small but powerful community projects and more complex work that may take longer to implement.
The HEF is currently seeking community members with professional and/or lived experience with health challenges in Richmond to serve on the Fund’s Community Advisory Committee (CAC). HEF CAC members will work to select partner organizations to receive funding, and inform gaps in the application pool for consideration during future funding cycles, all to enhance investment in community health and health equity initiatives. The application for new CAC members will open today, January 22nd, and will remain open for 2 weeks with a closing deadline of February 4th.
For individuals, organizations, or collaboratives that are interested in applying for an HEF investment, a new application round will open later this year. More specific information on the application process and submission deadline will be announced.
More information on both CAC and partner applications may be found on RHHD socials, as well as the RHHD newsletter.